HEY GUYS! Another review today which features " SKINMATE SHARK OIL " . The first time i used it, i was really happy because of it's maximum peeling effect, that it dries my pimples really quick, and even lightened my acne scars. But after a while, i stop this product. Why? I didn't like it. It got worse and i feel horrible every time i look at myself in the mirror. Here's how it looks like. I don't own this photo. <ctto> So, let's continue. WHAT IS IT AND HOW DOES IT WORK? SKI NMATE SHARK OIL effectively treats pimples, blackheads, whiteheads and other skin blemishes such as freckles and age spots. SKINMATE SHARK OIL guarantees to whiten darkened and burnt skin caused by excessive use of harsh whitening agents. Why effective? Because SKINMATE SHARK OIL, has an active ingredients made of pure fish oil and that’s very rich of vitamin A that helps removes dead skin and blemishes allowing new skin ce...